The atelier

The hands-on approach

MusBaPaLAB is a permanent atelier where children from 3 to 13 years old can develop their imagination and train their creativity.

With the help and inspiration of professional educators, at MusBaPaLAB children play to learn and grown-ups learn to play.

According to the hands-on method, the multi-sensory knowledge, the observation of nature and of artworks, experimenting with materials and techniques, through the game as discovery, stimulate creativity and encourage children to develop self-expression and learning.

Arrangement and distribution of materials

The serial nature of scrap materials

The distribution of scrap material is free of charge during activities at MusBaPaLAB.

It is also possible to pick up additional quantities, upon request.

The arrangement of materials is the result of continuous research and study. Archived, sorted, combined or mixed, the scrap materials come out of the production process and become shapes, colors, surfaces, volumes.

They are exhibited in a deliberately proactive way to offer more design ideas and to stimulate creativity.

The Centre is therefore not a simple emporium, but a place that invites visitors to look at waste materials with different eyes, to discover beauty where we are not used to looking for it.

The working space

Creativity as approach 

Particular attention is paid to the working environment.

The space is designed to invite exploring and to inspire curiosity in the creative, technical and ecological aspects of materials and matter.

Nothing is left to chance, the scrap materials become protagonists.

Technical datasheets with information on various materials (paper, glass, wood, aluminum, iron and plastic) are available for reading.

The Material Archive of the Centre collects samples of carried out workshops, as a database.

Materials sources: the industries of Veneto Region

The materials suppliers


The materials at MusBaPaLAB come all from industrial production facilities in Veneto and are the testimonial of the manufacturing background of the region.

Why a bridge is made ​​of concrete and a bottle is made ​​of plastic? Why in the past all the sweaters were wool made now are made of fleece? 

At the Creative Reuse Centre visitorors learn about the inner structure of of materials, how  they were born, or why some have been replaced by more innovative ones. 

The partnership established by MusBaPa with some industries is expression of interest in the production processes and of industrial development on them.